Friday, February 28, 2014


Salam Authoring semua :)
Pada minggu pertama kelas kita diberi overview/course outline tentang subjek Authoring System ini oleh Dr. Asykin.
Pada  minggu ke-2 pula kita telah diperkenalkan dengan  tajuk:

Differences between Standalone Application vs Web

Standalone Applications
Web Based Applications
(aplikasi yang tidak memerlukan internet)
Standalone application is any application that runs on your computer locally.

e.g: Notepad, Wordpad, Paint, MSN messenger, Yahoo Messenger etc.
(aplikasi yang memerlukan internet)
Web Application is an application that you cannot run without a web browser.

Web Application also run on WebServers where the web application is actually hosted.

You connect to the web application by:
1- Launching your browser
2- Entering the URL to the web application, URL is usually of this format: http://webserver:port/webapplication
3- Once the correct URL is entered, web application loads in your browser.

e.g: Hotmail,Yahoo Mail, Facebook etc.


Introduction to Web Development


Portal Yahoo 


Kesemua pautan/link terdapat pada halaman portal


Static vs Dynamic Website
Static websites
Dynamic websites
#Static websites contain fixed number of pages.
#Theme of website and content of webpage are fixed.
#Static websites load quickly on client browser because it has only some markup contents.
#Static sites never use database connectivity.
#Static websites is highly secure than dynamic sites because it behaves as a half duplex approach so only one way communication is possible i.e. server to client.
#Static site use for provide some information to the clients like an organization or institute website.
Static website directly run on browser and does not require other server application language. Static website can be created from HTML and CSS.
#Static sites are easy to develop and a bit experienced people can develop it.
In static website if we want to change the page content then we have to upload that page on server many times.

#Dynamic websites can create webpage dynamically.
#Webpage design and content may change on run time.
#Dynamic sites take some time to load on client browser because it processes the request server side and create contents dynamically.
#Dynamic sites deal with database and generate the contents dynamically using database queries.
#Dynamic sites are less secure because it behaves as full duplex approach so both side communications is possible so user can change the server data.
#Dynamic website use where content changes frequently on run time. Like a E-commerce site, online examination, etc.
#Dynamic website run the application on server and the output will display on webpage. So this is require server application language like PHP , Asp.NET, JSP etc.
#Dynamic websites not easy to develop because require qualify developers to create it, manage it, test it and maintain security of application and database.
#Dynamic sites provide the facilities that it possible to change the page content using server application. And need not to upload the page on server.


PHP (Pre Hypertext Processor)
ASP.NET (Active Server Pages)
A server-side, cross platform, HTML scripting language. The syntax of PHP is almost similar to C and Java.
Runs inside Internet Information Services (IIS). This IIS is a component of Windows.
The goal of PHP is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
ASP allows us to edit, change or add any content of a web page. It responds to user queries or data given from HTML forms. Any data or databases are accessed easily and the results are returned to the browser. It is helpful in customizing a web page; this feature makes the page more useful for individual users.
PHP is an open source technology which can be used for free.
ASP.NET is a Microsoft technology that is expensive in price.
PHP is a programming language that is used for creating web applications.
ASP.NET is a platform in which programming languages such as VB.NET or C# can be used to create ASP.NET applications.
PHP will work well in any kind of platform and server.  
ASP.NET can be used only with Internet Information Server (IIS).
PHP was launched by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1995.
ASP.NET was launched by Microsoft in the year 2002.
PHP works well with MySQL database. MySQL database is also available for free.
ASP.NET mostly works with MS-SQL database, which also belongs to Microsoft and MS-SQL is not available for free.
PHP can run in Linux Operating System which is available for free.
ASP.NET needs Windows Platform which is not available for free.
PHP execution is faster because PHP uses in-built memory space.
ASP.NET code execution is comparatively slower because it will utilize the server space during execution.
Coding using PHP is very easy when compared to all other programming languages.
Coding using ASP.NET is complicated and it requires lot of learning and effort.
PHP is compatible to work on different platforms such as Windows, UNIX and Linux.
ASP.NET works with Windows platform. If ASP.NET has to be used in Linux, then ASP-Apache has to be installed in the server.
Many useful tools that can be used with PHP are available for free.
Tools that can be used with ASP.NET are not available for free.
PHP syntax is similar to the syntax of C and C++ programming languages.
The syntax and concepts of ASP.NET are similar to the syntax of Visual Basic

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